Building a 5G Compliant gNodeB with SCM and SDR

This application note details how the SCT SC2430 Signal Conditioning Module (SCM) can complement an SDR to build a compliant 5G gNodeB by adding the additional power, filtering and gain control that is required.
Those implementing 5G radios using an SDR will notice that their systems are often short of the maximum transmit power that the 3GPP spec allows for, thereby impacting the coverage of their system or that the spectral content generated by the SDR transmit path contains spurious products that exceed the spectrum emission limits. The SC2430 SCM addresses those typical SDR limitations with specific radio hardware designed to meet the strict radio transmission and reception requirements of the 3GPP 5G NR standard.
This app note contains:
- An overview of SDRs and the SC2430
- Using the SC2430 with the X410
- How the SC2430 SCM Improves SDR Performance in 5G Applications
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