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HomeMicrowaveSC2574- Synchronous Dual-Channel Microwave Synthesizer

SC2574- Synchronous Dual-Channel Microwave Synthesizer

The SC2574 incorporates two independent signal sources that can generate 0.6 to 25.6 GHz on four output ports each. The signal sources can be phased-synchronized with each other as well as with those on other SC2574 modules.

The high density and compact form factor are ideal for applications requiring multiple, phase-synchronous, signal sources such as in MIMO arrays and coherent communication systems in research and development.

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The SC2574 can be operated as a stand-alone signal source. The synthesizers can be configured independently of each other, providing the user with full control of the frequency plan.

The module incorporates a low phase noise reference source. Alternatively, the device can be configured to accept an external 10 or 100 MHz frequency reference.

Units are mechanically compatible with the Thorium Converter family of modules which include the SC2426, a 26 GHz Frequency Converter, and the SC2444, a 44 GHz Converter. Connectivity between the modules occurs over the Expansion Port. This allows API commands sent on the primary unit to be directed to the downstream modules, eliminating the need for multiple controllers, and simplifying timing and synchronization between units.

The SC2574 comes with a 12-volt supply to power the unit. Built-in fan and temperature monitoring ensure proper heat management.

The module can be controlled through USB, UART, or SPI interfaces. A console session over the USB UART is most convenient for benchtop use, but applications incorporating embedded controllers will likely leverage the UART or SPI interfaces on the external Control Ports.

Two API protocols are provided, an ASCII-based protocol using SCPI commands as defined in IEEE 488.2 and a binary protocol optimized for speed and timing in embedded control applications. Both protocols are fully described in the API Specification.