SCT is a proud member of the National Instruments Alliance team. We’ve been active members for more than 8 years, participating in NI Week and co-sponsoring local events and seminars. The relationship goes beyond the Alliance Program as we are also active design partners, working with the R&D team located in Austin, Tx.
SCT is a member of the Xilinx Alliance Partner program. Through this program we have visibility and early access to new tools and technology. SCT is proud of being one of the first companies in the world to design, prototype, and build Zync-based products. We are also actively developing IP cores for both internal and external customer applications.
The Analog Devices (ADI) Alliance Program is reserved for select companies with unique technical capabilities and demonstrated ability to deliver. The program is treated by Analog Devices as a true partnership, and provides SCT with direct contact to design teams, early access to new products, and input into ADI roadmaps.
EDC provides Canadian exporters with financing, insurance, and bonding services as well as foreign market expertise. Talk to us about financing opportunities that may be available to you as an international customer.