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An Overview of the MIPI-I3C Serial Interface and It’s Impact on New Designs

In recent years, the electronics industry has experienced an explosion in the growth of embedded sensors being used in high-volume applications such as smartphones, wearables, automobiles, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This rapid growth is fueled by the development of a wide variety of small-sized, low-cost sensors being married to an ever-expanding array of innovative consumer applications. An excellent example is today’s typical smartphone, which incorporates 10 or more sensors measuring anything from light and biometric response to motion and environmental conditions.


To address these market needs, the MIPI I3C Standard was developed specifically to address connectivity between sensors and a host processor in mobile, wearable, and IoT applications. The I3C standard was collaboratively developed by MIPI’s Sensors Working Group, which includes representatives from industry leading companies such as AMD, Broadcom, Intel, NXP, and Qualcomm.


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